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by | Nov 8, 2019

Do you remember the last time your business space underwent a commercial remodeling job? If the answer doesn’t jump immediately to mind, you may be overdue. There are certain situations in which a remodel may be in your best interest — not just from an aesthetic standpoint, but from a profitability standpoint. Here are 10 signs that it’s time to reach out to your local commercial remodeling contractors.

Is It Time to Revamp Your Business’ Space With Some Commercial Remodeling?

1) Your Office Is Looking Dated

Industry trends are ever-changing, and maintaining a modern look can offer numerous benefits for your business. Does your commercial space still look like a set from Mad Men complete with patterned wallpaper and pastel-colored furniture? If so, it’s definitely time to take the plunge and update your look.

2) You Need a Competitive Edge

The previous point was all about the importance of maintaining a modern look, but it didn’t really delve into the why. Among other things, hiring a commercial remodeling contractor to reinstate a clean, modern look can inspire the trust and confidence of potential customers and clients. It affords your business that added air of legitimacy and affluence. It shows that you’re current and on the cutting edge.

3) Productivity Is Suffering

Believe it or not, there is a direct relationship between office design and workplace productivity. In fact, extensive research from the UK has shown that something as simple as the addition of plants can increase productivity by up to 15%. Lighting also impacts productivity. Cool colors like blues are especially conducive to a productive workplace. Other important factors include the use of space and the overall office color scheme. A knowledgeable commercial remodeling contractor can make recommendations to maximize office productivity.

4) You Need to Reduce Operation Costs

Are you struggling with high overhead and looking to reduce costs? A remodel may be able to help. For example, by increasing natural light in the office and updating your insulation, you can cut electrical and cooling costs. By upgrading to more durable office furniture like synthetic microfiber, you’ll get more longevity out of your furnishings. This goes hand in hand with our next point…

5) You’re Ready to Go Green

There are myriad benefits to establishing a greener office space. You save money on heating, cooling, and electrical costs; you gain a competitive edge among eco-conscious customers and clients; and you may qualify for government rebates. From a recruitment standpoint, a lot of young millennial talent is drawn to green business. There are many ways in which commercial remodeling contractors can help you go about this transition, such as by installing energy-efficient doors and windows, purchasing Energy Star equipment and appliances, using LED lighting sources, and updating your heating and cooling system.

6) You’re in the Slow Season

A commercial renovation project is a major commitment that can sometimes disrupt operations. This must be taken into consideration when you’re considering a commercial remodeling effort. If you’re right in the middle of the busy season, it might not be the best time to remodel. However, if you’re going through a slower season, now may be a golden opportunity to get the work done with minimal disruption.

7) You’re Rebranding

A remodel should be a natural part of any rebranding effort. Whether you’re restructuring your business or just hiring a commercial remodeling contractor for an updated look, your office space should be a part of that transformation. It reinforces to your team members and your clients that you’re staying current and that all aspects of your brand are in harmony.

8) You Haven’t Remodeled in a Long Time

Going back to our original question, do you remember how long it’s been since you last remodeled? Commercial remodeling is not simply a matter of staying fresh. There’s legitimate psychology behind periodically updating your space. It’s like a rebirth, and it can motivate your team to get out of their rut and tackle fresh challenges with renewed inspiration. It can also reduce turnover and encourage greater employee loyalty. That’s because the number one reason why employees leave is due to a lack of engagement. In other words, they fall into a rut and go through the motions, uninspired and unmotivated. One way to combat this is to reinvent and modernize the office space.

9) Your Budget Allows for a Remodel

Budget is an important consideration when reaching out to commercial remodeling contractors. The average cost of a commercial remodel can range anywhere from $50 – $200 per square foot. If you want to estimate whether a remodel is feasible, calculate your square footage and multiply it by the cost. Of course, other variables can influence this cost, such as the types of upgrades you want and the average rates in your community. Take the numbers with a grain of salt, but do an honest assessment as to whether you can budget for a remodel right now.

10) You’re Just Ready for an Upgrade

Sometimes you don’t need an excuse to pursue a commercial remodeling job. Sometimes you’re just ready for a change, and that’s perfectly okay as well. If you show up every day tired of looking at the same dull commercial paint job and office configuration, it may be time to reach out to a team of experts and discuss your options.

Northbay Maintenance Is Here for You

If you’re ready to take the leap and transform your space for the 21st-century, Northbay Maintenance is ready to answer the call. Our expert commercial remodeling contractors in the Bay Area have over 100 years of combined experience, and we excel in a wide range of remodeling jobs. We’ll meet you with, discuss your goals, and put together a custom plan to bring your vision to fruition. We also offer commercial cleaning services if you just need to spruce up the office on a day-to-day basis.

Contact Northbay Maintenance today.

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707 504 3786

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2200 pine view way set. E, Petaluma, CA