Contractor License #1040785 

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707 504 3786

PHONE: 707 504 3786


by | Jul 1, 2019

You already know that customers like it when businesses are clean and well-kept. But something you might not have thought about is that customers begin forming impressions about your company before they ever set foot inside.

If your parking lot is in bad shape, it sends the impression that you don’t care about your business, that your establishment is old and run-down, or even that you’re in financial trouble and can’t afford to keep the lot clean. On top of that, people don’t want to risk damaging their vehicles by parking in your lot.

It all adds up to bad business. That’s why it makes sense to hire a parking lot cleaning business to take care of these problems for you. Today, we’re looking at 4 ways that your parking lot is turning away customers. We’ll also be showing you how Northbay Maintenance’s parking lot sweeping services and other lot cleaning services can add value to your business by creating a safer and more inviting parking lot experience.

Why Hire a Parking Lot Sweeping Service?

1. Trash and Debris Create Multiple Hazards

The most basic work of a parking lot cleaning business is to keep the lot surface clear. A parking lot that’s filled with trash, dirt, or gravelly debris doesn’t just make a bad impression: It’s also physically hazardous. In fact, it creates a variety of hazards all at once:

  • Sharp objects can puncture tires and tear shoes. If they get through the shoe, they can injure a person directly. From broken glass to pointy pebbles, sharp objects accumulate on the ground all the time, often unnoticed. With Northbay’s parking lot sweeping services, we’ll sweep your lot on a regular basis as well as clear out any accumulated litter on the berms.
  • Loose dirt and gravel is another big problem. People can slip on it very easily. Tires can “slip” on it too, spinning out and throwing the debris up into the air at dangerous speeds which can knick cars or potentially even hit a person. We clean out this debris as part of our regular parking lot cleaning business offerings.
  • Sticky trash like gum or dried up sugary syrups can trip people as well if it causes them to be thrown off their stride — and nobody likes cleaning a sticky mess off their shoes. Northbay cleans this stuff up completely, by sweeping the lot or hosing it down.
  • Some trash is biohazardous. Pet waste, drug paraphernalia, and used paper products are just a few examples. At worst, these things are unsightly, but something like stepping in dog’s droppings can totally ruin a person’s day. Not to mention if somebody has a cut on their feet, there is a risk that biohazardous materials could infect them.

Well-used parking lots get dirty surprisingly quickly, which requires a lot of parking lot maintenance on your part. A parking lot cleaning business will take care of all these problems for you so that you can focus on running your business.

2. Potholes Damage Vehicles & Shake Up Nerves

Paved surfaces inevitably break down with weather and wear forming cracks and potholes. Small potholes aren’t too bad, especially at parking lot speeds, but once formed they grow rapidly.

As a professional parking lot cleaning business, we don’t just sweep up the trash. Our experienced crews can seal cracks and fill potholes. We recommend you stay on top of newly forming potholes because bigger ones get progressively more expensive. Plus, if your customer blows out their tire on a big pothole in your parking lot, that’s an experience they’ll remember for a long time to come.

3. Poor Signage & Faded Stripes Cause Wrecks

Another important task of a parking lot cleaning business is to perform maintenance and upkeep that promotes lot safety. People often speed in parking lots making them fairly dangerous because people don’t pay enough attention to what they’re doing. It leads to lots of fender benders and sometimes more serious incidents such as striking pedestrians.

One way you can reduce these dangers is to keep your parking lot well-signed and properly striped. Signs fade with sunlight and soot, and striping diminishes due to being continually run over.

As a premier parking lot cleaning business that also specializes in maintenance issues, Northbay Maintenance can repaint your lot using high-visibility, high-durability paints. We use proper striping protocols and spacing so that vehicles have the maneuvering room they need. And of course, we can repair and replace your lot signage, as well as install additional signs in new locations where they may be of use.

4. A Grungy Parking Lot Makes a Business Feel Old

The great thing about a parking lot cleaning business is that we know exactly how to make a lot look clean and inviting. Pressure washing is a great example. In addition to our more frequent parking lot sweeping services, our commercial pressure washing services can completely revitalize your lot. (We offer dumpster cleaning, too!)

Fresh, clean pavement is one of those things most people don’t consciously think about, but we like it when we see it. In contrast, old, grungy pavement subtly builds a negative impression in customers’ minds. It makes a business seem that much less appealing and up with the times.

Call Northbay Maintenance for a Free Onsite Evaluation

Northbay Maintenance serves the entire North Bay and East Bay areas, including Napa, Marin, Sonoma, and Solano Counties. We know you have better things to do than worry about your cleaning services. That’s why we assign you a dedicated cleaning supervisor who will handle your scheduling, project management, and everything in between, so you can focus on what matters most in your business.

We’re your all-in-one general maintenance and cleaning contractor. In addition to our parking lot cleaning business we offer:

  • Janitorial services
  • Event cleaning services
  • Post-construction cleanup
  • Green cleaning services
  • Many other commercial cleaning services (as well as residential services!)

Contact Northbay Maintenance today for a free onsite evaluation. We’ll discuss your company’s needs and come up with a bid that fits your budget.

Quick Contact Information:

707 504 3786

[email protected]

Our Location:

2200 pine view way set. E, Petaluma, CA